Monday, December 1, 2008

A cup of Milk

I grew in Kampung Bandar, Pekanbaru. Most of the neighbor is low-middle class with young children. In those time, what I remember most is afternoon time. In front of “houses area” there is a big yard that people always used for playing football. My friends and I, who had been naughty for all days, always wait for “Angguik” nearby those yard with “fresh” body.

Angguik usually walk, from other corner from the yard. As soon as one of us shouting that “Angguik is coming” all of us running to him and want to catch for his warm hand. We sing happily, almost everyday to celebrate his “coming home”

Angguik is a 40-50 years old man who work at private hospital (which was known as most luxury hospital at that time). Actually, he works as cleaning service.
He has one “loveable” habit. He always asked his friend at the kitchen not to put rest of milk (for patient) as a waste. I mean not after patient drinking it, but after milk had been given to patient, there always a plenty of rest milk in the kitchen. He put it in plastics and put them in to refrigerator. So he could take them home...for us

He only has one sister, which was already adult at that time. All that he cares is us...

You could imagine 30-40 kids, waiting for him going home. Each of us hold a “plastic mug” to get a piece of freezing milk. He then give the milk to all the childreen. Cause he loves us, we always take a bath and wear clean dress so we can smell good near him.

Now he already retired and live in Lubuk Aluang, Pariaman. West Sumatra

I missed him, and thankfully for him
For the love...
That milk that he had brought for us everyday
Have composed a lot of neuron in my brain right now...


alisoew said...

30-40 anak? wah susunya seberapa tuh..
Keren banget En true story nya...

Marshmallow said...

cold leftover milk? should have been yummy!
it's not what he gives that we value, it's his intention what counts most.
and surely he is a man with a good deed.
have you had any contact with him recently, en?

Eni said...

@ retrospectext :
kayanya emang ranselnya penuh dengan 2-3 plastik es beku deh...
nice man...

@ marshmallow :
Hm kemaren lebaran dia ke pekanbaru, tapi gak sempat bertemu..., so nyesel juga...
Angguik makin sehat katanya karena sering olah raga "dengan bersawah".
mau deh sekali-kali main ke Lubuk rumah mereka..

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

ngomongin apa sih?
susu siapa?

ngga basi kan?
jangan salahkan susunya ya... kalo neuron neuron ente agak agak ..... hahahah peace bu......

Eni said...

@ Bakhri : Hmmmm..., ada masalah apa sih B..? Kok hang gitu..?

Anonymous said...

Good Post