Monday, May 14, 2007



Come to me in my dreams, and then

By day I shall be well again.

For then the night will more than pay

The hopeless longing of the day.

Come, as thou cam'st a thousand times,

A messenger from radiant climes,

And smile on thy new world, and be

As kind to others as to me.

Or, as thou never cam'st in sooth,

Come now, and let me dream it truth.

And part my hair, and kiss my brow,

And say My love! why sufferest thou?

Come to me in my dreams, and then

By day I shall be well again.

For then the night will more than pay

The hopeless longing of the day


Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

Hmm... missing siapa??? HWS??? atau missing duit??? duit siapa??/ HWS??? hahahahaa ujung-ujungnya semua HWS... HIDUP HWS....

Eni said...

hmmm....yayang gua dong....
orlando bloon eh..bloom..hiks..