Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Some captures on my last Runaway to West Sumatera.
They were not so good, since the weather always cloudy and rainy...
Just enjoy..

One corner of Sikuai Island

Rainbow...., on the way to Padang again

Tea plantation, on the way to Danau Atas Danau Bawah...

Danah Bawah view........., cloudy everywhere

Jam Gadang..... Bukit Tinggi

Some of the travellers.....


Bakhrian said...

kok pesimis gitu kalo gambarnya ngga bagus?

kalo dipikir-pikir sih... memang tidak bagus (hahahaha... mode iri:ON)

Eni said...

@ Bakhri : pernah ngerasain sandal terbang gak?

Bakhrian said...

belum bu...
biasanya sih sandal disate aja... xixixi

alisoew said...

Yaaa, blessing in disguise nya kan (pertama) situ gak perlu jadi item gara2 main di pantai. bener gak? (kedua) lain kali harus ngajak2 kita biar cuacanya cerah (traktir maksudnyee.)

Marshmallow said...

weh! sampe juga ke sumbar!
sikuai island! i have been dreaming to visiting the island. it is claimed so naturally beautiful. is it true, en?

Eni said...

@ hemma: well, cantik sih.... Namun manajemen hotelnya kurang memuaskan sih menurutku.., not professional and always late...hiks
hmmm, masih banyak sih undiscovered beauty di pulau-pulau lainnya didaerah painan sana...dont worry..