This week, Medical Faculty of Riau University conducts two seminars. From my view, these seminars have same communicate and to share. They were conducted on last 19th and 20th November. Actually, it was not planned for two days, but luckily we can do it..
First seminar has a purpose to introduce curriculum systems for clinical setting based on competency. I really like to give the theme “to communicate and to share”, because in this occasion, I think the barriers between preclinical staff and clinical staff begun to melt down. Then we realize that we have the same purpose. In the other hand, bad communication between each other makes us “think and feel” as different person. Almost feel that some has ignored the other. I hope we can build better communication for the future..
Then, we have the opportunity to share experience from other university which has already conducted this competency based in their clinical time. Well, one idea comes into my mind... In Indonesia, we still have no formal tool to communicate with other medical teacher, to share experience with each other., such as jurnal on medical education . Why can't we make it?
Second seminar is talking about university preparation for certification and also brainstorming from KKI (Kollegium Kedokteran Indonesia/ Indonesian Medical Collegium). Why I also give the theme “to communicate and to share”...?
In this time, we can communicate what happened in our faculty to decision maker in central, face to face. Sharing the problems and hopefully could solve them. Although not every question can be solved at that time, at least some issued which happened in our local context had been arise.
yang di depan zul kayaknya oke tuh..
hmmmm slurrrppp.... hahahaha
"to communicate and to share," what a good theme.
yang lebih penting dari keberhasilan acara adalah keberhasilan mengimplementasikan apa yang didiskusikan ya, jeung?
btw, kenapa banyak kursi kosong, en? :P
@ Bakhri :
aduh blogku kena ileran....
@Mallow :
nah itu juga seh kendala,ada calling-an dari RS...biasa...
comment 1st pic: manaaa mana yg slurrrppp menurut Babe? manaaa???
comment 2nd pic: pembicaranya berapi api, tapi di layar proyektornya cuma ada tulisan TOSHIBA... sponsor y? hihihi
comment 3rd pic: eh itu ada yg slurrppp... kenalin dong ke ike..
@ retrospectext :
-kayanya pertanyaan 1 untuk babe deh..(Ayo..yang manna B..?)
-begitulah beliau.. introductionnya aja sudah berapi-api..isinya...wah..ampe terbakar.. (Maaf ya pak..?!) semangatnya maskudku.
-langsung ku kasih nomornya aja ya.bisa langsung hub sendiri.. wakakak.
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