Monday, August 4, 2008

At home............

Being so busy when finishing my thesis in July makes me really....really want to have a break this week.
So all I do at home just complete resting (ha..ha...ha)
But after 3 days.... this condition become boring...


Marshmallow said...

welcome home deh, non.
boring is one of the complications.
so get prepared aja...

tapi yang penting kan berkumpul sama orang-orang tercinta lagi.

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

mungkin harus buka praktek lagi bu...
biar bisa mengisi waktu luang dan mengisi dompet juga... :)

Eni said...

@ hemma & babe :

Manusia gak pernah puas ya...????
Dasar si eni... huh..

alisoew said...

emang situ kucing y? hihihi
sy juga tuh, bosen banget males2an...