Friday, June 27, 2008


Idenya ketika blogwalking
ke blognya mina..temannya bakhriansyah..

Library...or perpustakaan merupakan hal yang selalu membuatku kangen Sydney or OZ
Librarynya lebih keren dibandingkan mallnya..
Gambar di atas adalah perpustakaan di Melbourne (Victoria state library)

Perbandingan selanjutnya..akan menambah miris kita..

1. Kedua bangunan di belakang kita adalah Fisher library..., library centralnya Usyd
Banguna yang kiri terlihat pendek...tapi jangan salah... ada 5 tingkat kalo gak salah... (dibangun underground)...lebih jelas kalo dilihat dari samping..
Selain perpustakaan central, Usyd memiliki perpustakaan pada tiap-tiap fakultasnya...

2. Bangunan di belakangku adalah state librarynya Adelaide..megah banget...
suasana banyak yang leyah-leyeh juga di taman yang nyaman....

3. Banguan tua yang ciamik ini adalah perpustakaan city council... di sydney
mungkin setara denga perpustakaan kecamatan kalo di indo (jangan iri)
oh ya..tempat ini juga multifungsi ama pemerintahnya...
ini tempat pesta kedatangan Beckham di Sydney
(jadi ingat peristiwa aku dibodohi oleh Posh palsu hiks..)

didalamnya...nyaman tenan....ada kafe....semua majalah dan koran..bahkan koran indo..
dan karena suburb dimana aku tinggal (newtown) masih terhitung dalam city council maka kartuku juga berlaku disini...
dan librariannya selalu akan menanyakan...

anything that I can do for you?...

I still miss that until now.....

Your own perception...

I dont' know where to start

but this problems always there in my mind...

One of my friend put a pesimistic perception on medical profession

Me, my self... put a pesimistic perception on legal profession (e.g police, lawyer) of my friend too, a musician , always blame government employee...

How it could be..., like my dad was a policeman

how could I..?

But I admitted that

my dad was a policeman who always dont like his own corps

he like his job (real police) but dont like the habit in his department.

And he always say that to his family...., of course with me ...

that perception was build from my childhood...and like a brainwash..

I see the reality and admitted the truth of what he was saying

Do you remember a psychology test..

a group of people divided in to two groups

one group see an image which guide them to see a beautiful young lady

another group will be guided to see an image of an old-nasty witch

that picture, actually has two point of view....

I think you all know what kind of picture is it

you can see a beautiful lady

or an old witch

in the same picture

but the different is

what experienced do you have to get the picture from your own point of view

thats the one which can make the different

that the one which some times do not allow us to see another picture

or make us stubborn people

who always feel that

the truth is clear....

and always belong to us...

I think...what make people wise is when they can see from broader perceptions.

.not from his/her own

when they realized the diversity... and admitted that..

They become people who are not easy blaming others..

but in the same time has strength for their own beliveing

NB : still in confuse about "someone" case
blaming...fell sorry or what
I don't know...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008



for everyone that I have been disturb


letting down lately..

never mean that...
never like that...
