Monday, May 26, 2008

What do we know about our heart?...(part 2)

Well...because the net is quite well...
I decided to finish the story now....

So....the man do some activities to make his wife happy....

He accompanied her to do shopping... one that he never like to do before
They watching film together..dancing...singing...
He also have a new activity...reading her a story or night..before she is falling to sleep

He watch her doing some metamorphosis...

she become more by day...
happyness..makes her cheek...reddish..., make she can sing a lot of song...

he also sent a letter to his "sephia"
do not see him anymore...!

The activities that he think only make her wife happy...
also makes him happy...

for the second time...
He fall in love again with her.....

So...when one lovely morning...
when his wife died..

surrounding lovely by his arms

He felt that he died too
he also buried his living...for upcoming years..with her
wishing that he will see her soon as possible..
he lose his spirit to live

Some autumns have been coming since that time...
Still ...his heart is crying when he saw
a woman wearing a red coat....

So what can we know about our own heart...?

What do we know about our heart?...

Last friend and I were very boring staying at home..
so..we decided to go somewhere...
Unfortunately..the condition in Jakarta was so crowded by demonstration...
How unlucky we are... then we decided to eat meatball and rent some films at CD rental

One of the film has titled "Paris, Je t'aimez" (is my word correct?)

this CD consists of some short stories, of course with the themes "love"
Any kind of love.... in daily life

I dont know...., some of stories are hard to understand...
at the end, I look at Dwi, my friend, and she also look at me..
grinning together..we feel so silly...most of our comments are...
is it finished?...what is all about?

There were only two film which I remember and I think I understand (quite well)

One of the film is talking about coupled relationship

A man set a nice situation in a was autumn
He try to remember, what he want to say to his wife....

He is already bored with her.. with her only song that she always sing in the morning
He also do not understand why she always wear a red coat (very ugly..he thought)
he already asked her to throw it away..and she also answer that she already did it
but she always wear it untill now
and he already order one meal for him...his wife favorite meal
only for him...because he know... his wife will never eat from her own meal
she will eat from his plate and never order a meal for herself

it is enough...he already tired of this...He doesn't love her anymore
that is it... he want a divorce

then he remember ....his secret lover
and all romantic days that they have spent together

Then he see his wife...coming and yea..wearing that stupid red coat..

his wife sit in front of him...does not eat like she used to be
his heart is trembling...
she already knew...she already knew his dark secret...
doesn't need to pretend anymore

Suddenly...she is crying
giving him a letter...
that is a confirmation from doctor..that she is dying
she got cancer..leukemia
She just got a short time to live

He doesn't know what to do
silence...he try to cheer her up

he decided to make her happy for the rest of her life...
at least he will pretend to make her happy....

(to be continued......he..he...he.)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kebangkitan Nasional di FKUI

Beberapa hari yang lalu FKUI mengadakan pameran foto
Tema yang diangkat "Kebangkitan Nasional"
Jujur...aku tertarik pada design interior pameran ini...lebih dari fotonya..

Kualat ya...????

Soalnya fotonya kok nyampur gitu...walaupun temanya Kebangkitan Nasional..
tetapi hanya seperti melihat gambar dalam buku 30 tahun Indonesia Merdeka
di print ulang lagi...
Atau mungkin karena masih trauma dengan kenaikan BBM,
event Kebangkitan Nasional kok jadi kurang gregetnya...